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Saturday, November 8, 2014


So the audio in the video isn't the greatest and for that I do apologize. I could have spent a lot of time on editing and polishing this up but....well I just didn't. It is what it is, a basic tour of the clinic but mainly talking with the man...Mr. Favini.

Lorenzo Favini is from Italy who has found his way to Costa Rica and man I'm glad he did. He is the maker, the artist who created my new teeth and I will always be grateful for his talent and expertise. He is the only person in Costa Rica who uses the famed Zirkonzahn Prettau Zirconia. You can find more info on exactly what that is here:

Some will say that, "zirconia is's all the same", but that is either the one's who have not done their research or who don't want you to consider Zirkonzahn because they don't work with it or offer it. It's the cream of the crop...the "Rolls-Royce" of zirconia based restorations.

The video is 24 minutes long so go grab something to drink, get comfortable and I hope you find it informative...

Mr. Favini's lab is a bit out of the city in a beautiful, lush and private setting. It's not like a regular business that you can just walk up to on a whims notice so I want to thank Mr. Favini for allowing me to come out to his place to meet him and see how he does his work. He was fantastic in answering my questions and it was an experience I'll never forget. THANK YOU LORENZO FAVINI!!!

Thanks for watching!!!

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